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Assessment of weather conditions on the radioactive aerosol characteristics in the ventilation system "Bypass" of the object "Ukryttya" during the period of 2003 - 2012 years
Yu. V. Khomutinin1,*, V. P. Protsak1, V. Y. Khan2, B. I. Ogorodnikov2Abstract: Quantitative results of the statistical analysis of the impact of weather conditions (temperature and humidity of air, speed and direction of wind) near ChNPP on the characteristics of radioactive aerosols in the ventilation system “Bypass” has been presented. It is shown that the accounting of weather conditions allows explaining to 20 % of observed variability of these characteristics. It testifies to existence of additional factors of influencing on dynamic characteristics of the radioactive aerosol in the “Bypass” system.
Keywords: “Bypass” system, radioactive aerosols, radionuclides, daughter products of radon and thoron, AMAD, time-series analysis, meteorological parameters.1. Yu.V. Khomutinin, V.P. Protsak, V.Y. Khan, B.I. Ogorodnikov. Nucl. Phys. At. Energy 15(4) (2014) 380. (Rus) https://jnpae.kinr.kyiv.ua/15.4/Articles_PDF/jnpae-2014-15-0380-Khomutinin.pdf
2. V.E. Khan, B.I. Ogorodnikov, A.K. Kalinovskij et al. Control of releases of radioactive aerosols from object "Ukryttya" in 2007. Problemy Bezpeky Atomnyh Electrostantsiy i Chornobylya (Problems of Nuclear Power Plants’ Safety and of Chornobyl) 9 (2008) 48. (Rus) http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/7414
3. V.E. Khan, B.I. Ogorodnikov, A.K. Kalinovskij et al. Control of releases of radioactive aerosols from object "Ukryttya" in 2008. Ibid. 12 (2009) 154. (Rus) http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/7443
4. A.D. Skorbun, B.I. Ogorodnikov. Relationship between long term characteristics of wind velocity in the outer environment, and radioactive aerosols concentration in "Ukryttya" object. Ibid. 9 (2008) 66. (Rus) http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/7406
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