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Isomeric yield ratios and mean angular momenta of photofission fragments of 235U, 237Np and 239Pu
I.M. Vyshnevskyi1, V.O. Zheltonozhskyi1, V.A. Plujko2, A.M. Savrasov1,*, O.M. Gorbachenko2, O.I. Davydovska1, E.P. Rovenskykh2Abstract: Isomeric yield ratios for the fragments of photofission of 235U, 237Np and 239Pu by bremsstrahlung with end-point energy of 18 MeV are measured. New data for isomeric yield ratios of the fragments 84Se, 90Br, 131Te, 132Sb, 132I, 133Te, 134I, 135Xe are determined. The contributions to the isomeric yield ratios from β-decay of the nuclei of parent isobaric chains were removed. Mean angular momenta of studied nuclei are estimated within the framework of an extended Huizenga-Vandenbosh statistical model with using EMPIRE 3.2 code.
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