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Evaluation of radioecological safety of freshwater reservoirs of Ukraine during late phase of ChNPP accident
Yu. V. Khomutinin1
1Ukrainian Institute of Agricultural Radiology,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: Problems of radioecological safety of freshwater reservoirs contaminated with 137Cs and 90Sr concerning the scenario of fish breeding, fishery and unprofessional anglers activity at the late phase of ChNPP accident has been considered. Generalized statistical dependences of equilibrium accumulation coefficients of 137Cs and 90Sr depending on Calcium concentration in water reservoirs were shown. Methodology of estimation of radioecological safety of freshwater reservoirs as the source of fish for human diet was proposed, its practical realization was tested.
Keywords: 137Cs and 90Sr content in fish and water, accumulation coefficients, radioecological safety of freshwater reservoirs.
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