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Statistical analysis of characteristics of radioactive aerosol in the ventilation system "Bypass" of object "Ukryttya" during the period of 2003–2012 years
Y. V. Khomutinin1, V. P. Protsak1, V. Y. Khan2, B. I. Ogorodnikov2
1Ukrainian Institute of Agricultural Radiology,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Institute of Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Chornobyl, Ukraine
Abstract: Results of the statistical analysis of dynamics of parameters of a radioactive aerosol in ventilating Bypass system during 2003 - 2012 have been presented. For volume concentration of aerosol carriers of activity 137Cs, 241Am and sums of β-emitting nuclide the distinct exponential global trends were established. Quantitative estimates of seasonal trend component of characteristics of radioactive aerosol in the "Bypass" were received.
Keywords: Bypass system, radioactive aerosols, radionuclides, daughter products of radon and thoron, AMAD, time-series analysis.
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