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137Cs and 90Sr in the water of the ChNPP cooling pond
V. V. Kanivets1, S. I. Kireev2, G. V. Laptev1, O. I. Nasvit3, S. M. Obrizan2
1Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute (UkrGMI), Kyiv, Ukraine
2State Specialized Enterprise "Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant", Chornobyl, Ukraine
3National Institute for Strategic Studies, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: Results of long-term observations on 137Cs and 90Sr concentration in water mass of the ChNPP Cooling Pond are presented. Drastic transformation of the intrinsic trend in changes with time of averaged radionuclides content in water is clearly demonstrated alongside with the spatial heterogeneity of radioactive contamination of water body. The cycling character of seasonal changes of 137Cs activity concentration in water is being linked to hydrochemical, temperature and oxygen regimes of the Cooling Pond.
Keywords: ñooling pond of ChNPP, water column, temperature and oxygen stratification, activity concentration of 137Cs and 90Sr in water, ecological half-lives, bottom sediments, pore solution, fuel particles.
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