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Combined action of radiation, salts of copper and nickel on cell viability in vitro
D. D. Gapeenko, H. I. Lavrenchuk
State Institution "The National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of NAMS of Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: Experimental study of the combined action of heavy metals and ionizing radiation on the viability of cells in culture was made. We established a significant toxic effect of copper and nickel in the proliferative and mitotic activity of cells in vitro. Under the combined effects of radiation and copper ions on cells we observed the morphological changes in morphologically-functional properties of cells that were determined by or radiation dose or by concentration of copper ions. In conditions of incubation of irradiated cells with nickel ions we observed sensitization of cells by nickel ions under the irradiation dose of 0.5 and 5.0 Gy, and the resistance of cells to exposure to sublethal dose of 10.0 Gy.
Keywords: heavy metals, ionizing radiation, cell culture, survival, proliferation, apoptosis.
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