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Immobilization of 90Sr and 137Cs in soils, contrasted by properties
Yu. A. Ivanov, I. M. Maloshtan, I. V. Kulik, V. V. Pavlyuchenko
Ukrainian Institute of Agricultural Radiology, National University of Life
and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Chabany, Ukraine
Abstract: Assessments of 90Sr and 137Cs immobilization in 15 soils, contrasted by their physical and chemical properties, and granulometric composition have been analyzed. Radionuclides have been introduced into soils in the initial water-soluble form. Sequential extraction of soils has been carried out after half and 22 years of radionuclide depositing in soils. Principal differences of radionuclide speciation in soils, significantly different intensity of 90Sr and 137Cs immobilization in soils, as well as the role of soils physical and chemical properties, and granulometric composition are discussed.
Keywords: 90Sr, 137Cs immobilization, physical and chemical properties, granulometric composition of soil.
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