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Cross sections of the 3H(d, t)np reaction at the 37 MeV deuteron beam energy
O. O. Beljuskina, V. I. Grantsev, K. K. Kisurin, S. E. Omelchuk, J. S. Roznjuk, B. A. Rudenko, L. I. Sljusarenko, B. G. Struzhko
Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: Inclusive 3H spectra and dσ(ϑ, E)/dΩdE differential cross sections of the 3H(d, t) reaction are measured at the deuteron beam energy of 36.9 MeV. Shapes of the inclusive 3H spectra were reproduced by using a model that takes into account simple quasi-binary mechanisms and characteristics of the experimental method, i.e., nonmonochromaticity of the accelerated deuteron beam, target thickness, spectrometer energy resolution, beam spot size on the target, detector apertures, and target-detector distance. It is found that the most important processes in the 3H(d, t) reaction are the proton-neutron Final State Interactions in the singlet 1S0 state (singlet deuteron) and in the triplet 3S1 one, sequential decay via the 4H* resonance (Ent = 2.2 MeV, Γ = 3.4 MeV) and the proton (neutron) - triton quasifree scattering processes.
Keywords: deuteron, 37 MeV, triton, differential cross sections, simulation.
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