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Radioprotective effects of melanin-glucan complex from Fomes Fomentarius and indralin at irradiation of mice BALB/C by dose of 5.95 Gy/8.5 min
O. F. Seniuk1, V. O. Kovalev1, L. A. Palamar1, N. I. Krul2, L. F. Gorovoj2, V. M. Shevel3
1Institute for Safety Problems of NPP, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Chornobyl, Ukraine
2Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
3Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Abstract: Protective effect of melanin-glucan complex from F. fomentarius (MGC) and Russian armed forces radioprotector indralin in the model of acute exposure by dose of 5.95 Gy / 8.5 min care is compared. Obtained results indicate availability at MGC and indralin both direct and indirect "bystander effect" of DNA-protective properties, as well as severe anxiolytic activity. Thus for indralin protection factor was 0.33 when in MGC it was 2.3 times higher (0.75).
Keywords: ionizing radiation, acute exposure, protection coefficient, DNA single-strand breaks, mushroom biopolymers, indralin, "bystander effect", behavioral responses.
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