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Concentration of 90Sr in grain on fuel traces of the Chornobyl radioactive fallout
L. N. Otreshko, S. E. Levchuk, L. V. Yoschenko
Ukrainian Institute of Agricultural Radiology
of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: During 2012 - 2013, sampling of soil and grain in Ivankiv district of Kyiv region at all fields adjacent to the ChNPP exclusion zone was carried out, where the cereal crops were planted. In all samples 137Ñs and 90Sr activities were measured. Besides, in soil samples the exchangeable fractions of 90Sr and calcium and acidity of soil solution were determined. Dependence of 90Sr soil-grain transfer factors was specified. In conducting the researches, the sampling was done in accordance with the standards SOU 74.14-37-425:2006, SOU 74.14-37-424:2006 and SOU 01.1-37-426:2006. The activity of 90Sr was determined by the standard radiochemical method.
Keywords: Chernobyl accident, specific activity, fuel particles, permissible levels, transfer factors, countermeasures.
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