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Formation of nuclear security culture in Ukraine
S. V. Khyzhnyak1, O. O. Kysil2, V. V. Zhirnov3, O. A. Laposha1, V. S. Morozova1, V. M. Voitsitskiy1
1National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
3Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry & Petrochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: The radiation-induced effects at dose rate of 0.35 Gy/min (in vivo) and of ultra-low doses (in vitro) on the cell membranes structural state were shown. The modifications of the membrane protein and lipid components and their dynamic state were revealed at experimental irradiation conditions by fluorescent probe analysis. The principal component analysis of the research data indicates the dose-dependent decrease of plasma membrane structural orderliness of the small intestine enterocytes with the increase of the ionizing irradiation acute dose of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 Gy at dose rate of 0.35 Gy/min. The complex response of the biological structure - the erythrocytes plasma membrane, on the ionizing radiation action at ultra-low doses that occurred through macromolecular structural rearrangements was also demonstrated. The features of the structural rearrangement of the cellular membranes depending on the ionizing radiation dose (dose rate) are found out.
Keywords: ionizing irradiation, dose rate, ultra-low doses, factor statistical analysis, cell membranes, structure.
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