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Calculations of the nuclide composition of spent nuclear fuel of RBMK-1000 for verification of computer module SCALE-6
V. V. Soloviov, E. O. Lebedev
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, Slavutych, Ukraine
Abstract: The article presents the calculation of the nuclide composition of spent nuclear fuel of RBMK using modules TRITON/T6-DEPL and ORIGEN-ARP of modular code system SCALE-6 and comparison with the experimental nuclide composition. In the analysis of the results of calculations and comparison with experimental data only actinides were considered, which constitute 99% of the mass of spent nuclear fuel. The calculation of the nuclide composition of the inner and outer rings of fuel rods, and its combined value were performed. The discrepancy with the experimental data on isotopes 235U, 239Pu, 241Pu, which are major contributors to the effective neutron multiplication factor, does not exceed 22%. The design model which was created in this paper can be used to calculate the nuclide composition of the fuel of RBMK-1000 using modular code system SCALE-6.
Keywords: nuclide composition, spent nuclear fuel, RBMK-1000, modular code system SCALE.
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