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Mathematical dependence for the 137Cs concentration in spent nuclear fuel and its using for experimental data processing
V. V Galchenko1, V. L. Diemokhin2
1Joint-Stock Company Kyiv Research and Design Institute "Energoproject"
2Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: The 137Cs behavior during burn up for VVER and RBMK fuel were analyzed. Mathematical dependence for the 137Cs concentration from fuel burn up in the form of c137[kg/t(U)]= 3.9*10-5*e-λ137τ burn[MW*day/t(U)] is obtained. The formula's calculation results on 137Cs concentration were compared with ORIGEN and STURBUCS of SCALE-5 computer codes system calculations with some RBMK-1000 fuel experimental data. Using offered dependence, the RBMK experimental samples cooling times were founded and isotopic compositions calculations were made with proper cooling time. Difference on some isotopes between calculation and experimental data were reduced.
Keywords: fuel burnup, 137Cs, mathematical dependence, VVER, RBMK, fuel assembly, isotopes compositions, spent nuclear fuel.
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