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Low-energy parameters of neutron-neutron scattering
V. A. Babenko, N. M. Petrov
M.M. Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: The influence of the mass difference between charged and neutral π-mesons on the low-energy parameters of nucleon-nucleon interaction in the 1S0 spin-singlet state is studied. Using the experimental singlet neutron-proton scattering parameters and the experimental value of neutron-neutron virtual-state energy we obtain the following values for the neutron-neutron scattering length and effective range: ann= - 16.59(114) fm, rnn = 2.826(86) fm. Calculated values of these quantities appear to be in reasonable agreement with the contemporary experimental data.
Keywords: neutron-neutron scattering, neutron-neutron interaction, charge dependence of nuclear forces, effective range parameters, neutron-neutron scattering length.
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