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Evaluation of the parameters of migration of the uranium series radionuclides in the tailings of the Pridneprovskiy chemical plant
V. P. Protsak, V. O. Kashparov, V. K. Kirichenko, I. L. Kalyabina*, O. V. Marinich*, I. M. Maloshtan, S. E. Levtchuk, N. M. Prokopchuk
Ukrainian Institute of Agricultural Radiology, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Institute for Environment Geochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: Results of investigations of sludge samples collected from the body of five tailings of the Pridneprovskiy chemical plant ("West", "Central Yar", "South-East", "Dniprovske2, "Suhachivske") are presented. The dependence of the radionuclides distribution coefficients in the tailings on pH was revealed. Form and degree of the oxidation of uranium in the tailings were estimated.
Keywords: tailings of uranium production, distribution coefficient, migration of radionuclides, forms of uranium.
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