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Elastic and inelastic scattering of 12C ions by 7Li at 115 MeV
A. T. Rudchik1, V. Yu. Kanishchev1, A. A. Rudchik1, O. A. Ponkratenko1, E. I. Koshchy2, S. Kliczewski3, K. Rusek4,5, V. A. Plujko6, S. Yu. Mezhevych1, Val. M. Pirnak1, A. P. Ilyin1, V. V. Uleshchenko1, R. Siudak3, J. Choiński3, B. Czech3, A. Szczurek3
1Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
3H. Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow, Poland
4National Institute for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland
5Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
6Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: Angular distributions of the 7Li + 12C elastic and inelastic scattering as well as the 7Li(14N, Х) reactions with exited stable and unstable nuclei with Z = 3 - 6 were measured at Elab(12C) = 115 MeV. The data were analyzed within the optical model and coupled-reaction-channels method. The elastic and inelastic scattering, reorientations of 7Li in ground and excited states as well as more important transfer reactions were included in the channels-coupling-scheme. 7Li + 12C optical potential parameters for ground and excited states of 7Li and 12C as well as deformation parameters of these nuclei were deduced. The contributions of one- and two-step transfers in the 7Li + 12C elastic and inelastic scattering channels were estimated.
Keywords: heavy-ion scattering, optical model, coupled-reaction-channels method, spectroscopic amplitudes, optical potentials, reaction mechanisms.
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