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Influence of deposits quantity and air temperature on 137Cs accumulation by the higher mushrooms
N. E. Zarubina1
1Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: Researches of the influence of weather conditions (amount of precipitation, air temperature) on 137Cs content’s magnitude in fruit bodies of mushrooms: Boletus edulis Bull.: Fr., Suillus luteus (L.: Fr.) S.F.Gray, Xerocomus badius (Fr.) Kuhn. ex Gilb., Tricholoma flavovirens (Pers.: Fr.) Lund., Cantharellus cibarius Fr. at the territory of Chernobyl alienation zone and "southern trace" are performed. Correlation factors, determination factors between specific activity of 137Cs at mushrooms and quantity of deposits (mm) and the maximum temperature of air (oС) are calculated. At calculations the decrease of the content of 137Cs in mushrooms at the expense of disintegration of this isotope has been considered. As a result of researches the authentic dependence of specific activity of 137Cs in fruit bodies of the studied kinds of mushrooms from quantity of deposits and from air temperature has not been established.
Keywords: fruit bodies of mushrooms, the content of 137Cs, weather conditions, amount of precipitation, air temperature.
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