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The internal conversion coefficient for the K-forbidden E1-transition with the energy of 55 keV in 177Hf
A. P. Lashko, T. N. Lashko
Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: The precise γ-ray intensities of the transitions following the decay of 160-day isomeric state in 177Lu have been measured by using two different types of HPGe-detectors. The values of the internal conversion coefficient and penetration parameter λ for E1-transition with the energy of 55 keV were determined from intensity balance of 21/2- 1260 keV level in 177Hf.
Keywords: radioactivity, 177mLu, γ-spectra, HPGe-detectors, measurements I(γ), internal conversion, penetration parameter.
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