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Nuclear asymmetry energy, neutron skin and isovector stiffness
J. P. Blocki1, A. G. Magner2, A. A. Vlasenko2,3
1National Centre for Nuclear Research, Otwock, Poland
2Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
3Institute of Physics and Technology, NTUU "KPI", Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: The isovector particle densities and surface tension coefficients for the average binding energy in the approximation of a sharp edge proton-neutron asymmetric nucleus are used for analytical calculations of its neutron skin and isovector stiffness coefficients. They are significantly different from the well-known ones for the most Skyrme forces. The energies and energy-weighted sum rules of the isovector giant dipole resonances obtained within the Fermi-liquid drop model are in good agreement with the experimental data.
Keywords: nuclear binding energy, symmetry surface energy, proton-neutron asymmetry, neutron skin, isovector stiffness, dipole giant resonances.
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