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Investigation of the isomeric states excitation processes for 111Cd and 115Cd isotopes in (γ, n) reaction at the γ-quantum energies in giant dipole resonance region
V. O. Zheltonozhsky1, V. M. Mazur2, D. M. Symochko2, Z. M. Bigan2, T V. Poltorzhytska3
1Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Institute of Electron Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
3Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
Abstract: Cross-sections of the isomeric states excitations in the 112Cd(γ, n)111mCd and 116Cd(γ, n)115m,gCd reactions have been investigated for the 8 - 10 MeV energy region. Experimental isomeric ratios have been obtained. Experimental results are compared with TALYS-1.0 calculations.
Keywords: photonuclear reactions, isomeric ratios, bremsstrahlung, Cd isotopes.
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