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Measurement and theoretical analysis of cross sections nuclear reaction (n, p), (n, α), (n, 2n) on isotopes of dysprosium, erbium and ytterbium
O. M. Gorbachenko, N. R. Dzysiuk, A. O. Kadenko, I. M. Kadenko, V. A. Plujko, G. I. Primenko
Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: Cross section of the nuclear reactions (n, p), (n, α), (n, 2n) were measured on isotopes of dysprosium, erbium and ytterbium at the neutron energies 14.6 ± 0.2 MeV. They were compared with available experimental data, evaluated nuclear data and the results of theoretical calculations. Cross sections were measured within neutron-activation method. Theoretical calculations of the nuclear cross sections reaction were performed with the use of EMPIRE 3.0 and TALYS 1.2 codes as well as by empirical and semi-empirical systematics.
Keywords: nuclear reaction cross section, neutron-activation analysis, the nuclear reaction mechanisms.
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