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Portable scintillation gamma-spectrometer for field measurement of radioactivity in extensive objects
O. A. Bezshyyko1, I. M. Vyshnevskyi2, R. V. Denisenko2, S. A. Karpenko3, I. A. Maliuk2, E. E. Petrosian3, V. M. Pryymak3
1Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
3Concern SouzEnergo, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Abstract: The portable scintillation gamma-spectrometer for field measurement of radioactivity in the voluminal objects was designed. The crystal CdWO4 that has weak dependence of light yield from temperature in combination with PMT was applied as the gamma-rays detector. The design of the device provides the possibility for measuring radioactivity of the extensive objects in 4π-geometry without background measurements. In this case the value of the efficiency needed for specific activity calculation in close approximation depends only from crystal geometry and density of measured object and may be set as the device parameter without efficiency calibration procedure during the operation. The spectrometer does not have an auxiliary radioactive source and connecting cables in the composition. The smartphone operated under Windows Mobile is used as the control module. Bluetooth connection provides data exchange between smartphone and measurement head.
Keywords: spectrometer, detector, crystal, PMT, gamma-ray, radioactivity, measurement.
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