Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy

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Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy

  ISSN: 1818-331X (Print), 2074-0565 (Online)
  Publisher: Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  Languages: Ukrainian, English
  Periodicity: 4 times per year

  Open access peer reviewed journal

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Nucl. Phys. At. Energy 2011, volume 12, issue 3, pages 307-310.
Section: Engineering and Methods of Experiment.
Received: 25.07.2011; Published online: 30.09.2011.
PDF Full text (ua)

Particles trajectories finding in the vertex detector of the CBM experiment

I. S. Kulakov1, I. V. Kisel2, M. V. Zyzak1

1Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine
2GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Darmstadt, Germany

Abstract: Particles trajectories search in the vertex detector is a basis of collision reconstruction of the CBM experiment (GSI, Germany). The requirements for a modern experiment with fixed target are very high, specifically: up to 107 collisions per second, up to 1000 charged particles in the detector, inhomogeneous magnetic field, about 85% additional fake combinatorial measurements in the detector, full on-line event reconstruction. Cellular automaton method is used to reconstruct charged particles trajectories. Description of the algorithm and results of tests are presented.

Keywords: CBM, heavy ions, cellular automaton, search of tracks.


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