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Modeling of the neutron experiments at research reactor WWR-M in the Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
V. F. Razbudey1
1Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: Ideology of simulation of neutron experiments using Monte Carlo method for optimization of experimental conditions and analysis of measurement results is set out. Potentialities are shown and recommendations are worked out relative to use of simulation both on the stage of planning experiment and while correcting the results of measuring for ill-wresting factors.
Keywords: research nuclear reactor, neutron beams, simulations of nuclear experiments, Monte Carlo method, nuclear data.
References:1. MCNP - A General Monte Carlo N-particle Transport Code. Ed. by Briesmeister J. F. Version 4C. Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM (USA). Report № LA-13709-M (March 2000) 788 p.
2. Gritzay O., Koloty V., Libman V. et al. Neutron Filter Beams at the Kyiv Research Reactor. Proc. of the NPAE-2008 (Kyiv, Ukraine, June 9 - 15, 2008) p. 537.
3. ANS-6.1.1 Working Group, M. E. Battat (Chairman), "American National Standard Neutron and Gamma-Ray Flux-to-Dose Rate Factors", ANSI/ANS-6.1.1- 1977 (N666).
4. Ворона П. М., Разбудей В. Ф. Розрахункові дослідження та аналіз характеристик дослідницького реактора ВВР-М як джерела нейтронів для вирішення наукових та прикладних задач. Ядерна фізика та енергетика 11 (2010) 57. https://jnpae.kinr.kyiv.ua/11.1/Articles_PDF/jnpae-2010-11-0057-Vorona.pdf
5. Gritzay O., Koloty V., Libman V., Kaltchenko O. Neutron filters at Kyiv Research reactor. Prepr. Nat. Ac. Sci. Ukr. Institute for Nuclear Research KINR-01-6 (Kyiv, 2001).