Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy

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Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy

  ISSN: 1818-331X (Print), 2074-0565 (Online)
  Publisher: Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  Languages: Ukrainian, English
  Periodicity: 4 times per year

  Open access peer reviewed journal

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Nucl. Phys. At. Energy 2011, volume 12, issue 2, pages 124-128.
Section: Nuclear Physics.
Received: 07.06.2010; Published online: 30.06.2011.
PDF Full text (en)

First results of the experiment to search for 2β decay of 106Cd with the help of 106CdWO4 crystal scintillators

P. Belli1, R. Bernabei1,2, R. S. Boiko3, V. B. Brudanin4, F. Cappella5,6, V. Caracciolo7, R. Cerulli7, D. M. Chernyak3, F. A. Danevich3, S. d'Angelo1,2, A. E. Dossovitskiy8, E. N. Galashov9, A. Incicchitti5,6, V. V. Kobychev3, S. S. Nagorny3, F. Nozzoli1, B. N. Kropivyansky3, V. M. Kudovbenko3, A. L. Mikhlin8, A. S. Nikolaiko3, D. V. Poda3,7, R. B. Podviyanuk3, O. G. Polischuk3, D. Prosperi5,6, V. N. Shlegel9, Yu. G. Stenin9, J. Suhonen10, V. I. Tretyak3, Ya. V. Vasiliev9

1Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione Roma "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy
2Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy
3Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
4Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
5Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
6Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
7Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi (AQ), Italy
8Joint Stock Company NeoChem, Moscow, Russia
9Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Novosibirsk, Russia
10Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland

Abstract: An experiment to search for 2β processes in 106Cd with the help of 106CdWO4 crystal scintillator (mass of 215 g), enriched in 106Cd up to 66%, is in progress at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the INFN (Italy). After 1320 h of data taking, limits on double beta processes in 106Cd have been established on the level of 1019 - 1020 yr, in particular (all the results at 90% C.L.): T1/2(0ν2ε) > 3.6 · 1020 yr, T1/2(2νεβ+) > 7.2 · 1019 yr, and T1/2(2ν2β+) > 2.5 · 1020 yr. Resonant 0ν2ε processes have been restricted as T1/2(0ν2K) > 1.4 · 1020 yr and T1/2(0νLK) > 3.2 · 1020 yr. A possible resonant enhancement of the 0ν2ε processes is estimated in the framework of the QRPA approach.

Keywords: double beta decay, 106Cd, 106CdWO4 crystal scintillator.


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