Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy

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Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy

  ISSN: 1818-331X (Print), 2074-0565 (Online)
  Publisher: Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  Languages: Ukrainian, English
  Periodicity: 4 times per year

  Open access peer reviewed journal

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Nucl. Phys. At. Energy 2010, volume 11, issue 4, pages 410-414.
Section: Atomic Energy.
Received: 15.11.2010; Published online: 30.12.2010.
PDF Full text (ru)

Scientific, technical and organizational aspects of the spent fuel removal from nuclear research reactor of Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

I. M. Vyshnevskyi1, V. I. Slisenko1, V. M. Makarovskyi1, O. G. Diakov1, M. V. Lysenko1, I. Bolshinsky2, D. Dewes2

1Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2National Nuclear Security Administration of the United States Department of Energy

Abstract: Supporting the global threat reduction initiative (GTRI) Ukraine has implemented the removal of the major part of HEU spent nuclear fuel from the WWR-M research reactor of Institute for Nuclear Research of NAS of Ukraine to Russian Federation for further processing in "MAYAK" company.

Keywords: spent nuclear fuel, fuel assemblies, export of radioactive materials.