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Isotopic effects in elastic and inelastic 12,13C + 16,18O scattering
A. T. Rudchik1, Yu. O. Shyrma1, E. I. Koshchy2, S. Kliczewski3, B. G. Novatsky4, O. A. Ponkratenko1, E. Piasecki5,6, G. P. Romanyshyna1, K. Rusek5, Yu. M. Stepanenko1, I. Strojek5, S. B. Sakuta4, A. Budzanowski3, L. Głowacka7, I. Skwirczyńska3, R. Siudak3, J. Choiński6, A. Szczurek3
1Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
3H. Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland
4National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia
5Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw, Poland
6Heavy Ion Laboratory, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland
7Institute of Applied Physics of the Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Abstract: New angular-distribution data of 13С + 18О elastic and inelastic scattering at the energy Elab(18O) = 105 MeV were obtained for the transitions to the ground and excited states 3.088 MeV(1/2+), 3.555 MeV (1/2-), 3.854 MeV (5/2+) of 13С and 1.982 MeV (2+), 3.555 MeV (4+), 3.921 MeV (2+), 4.456 MeV (1-), 5.098 MeV (3-), 5.260 MeV (2+) of 18O. These and the 13С + 18О elastic scattering data taken from the literature at the energies Elab(18O) = 15, 20, 24, 31 MeV and Elab(13С) = 24 MeV were analysed within the optical model and coupled-reaction-channels methods. Sets of 13С + 18О optical potential parameters and their energy dependence were obtained. Contributions of potential scattering and transfer reactions to the elastic and inelastic channels of 13С + 18О scattering were studied. Isotopic differences (effects) in 12,13С + 16,18О optical potential parameters were investigated.
Keywords: nuclear reactions, optical model, coupled-reaction-channels method, folding-model, spectroscopic amplitudes, optical potentials, reaction mechanisms.
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