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Neutron research of the structure transition micelle to crystallites in liquid system D2O-tetradecyltrimethilammonium bromide-NaBr
L. A. Bulavin1, O. I. Ivankov1,2, V. M. Sysoev1
1Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Dubna, Russia
Abstract: Structure transition in triple liquid system D2O-tetradecyltrimethilammonium bromide-NaBr was studied by means of small-angle neutron scattering in a wide range of temperature, pressure and salt concentrations. The phase P-T transition diagrams of colloidal micellar system to the suspension colloidal system with crystallites was constructed from experimental data. It is shown that salt concentration increasing causes the shift of the boundary in the direction of higher temperatures and lower pressures. Thermodynamic justification of the received results is represented.
Keywords: tetradecyltrimethilammonium bromide (TTAB), small angle neutron scattering (SANS), structure transition, phase diagrams.
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