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About excitation spectrum of 6He below the energy threshold of decay into t + t
O. M. Povoroznyk, O. K. Gorpinich, G. V. Mokhnach, O. O. Jachmenjov
Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: Due to measurements and analysis as inclusive proton spectra from the 3Н(α, р) 6Не reaction (Eα = 27.2 MeV) and two-dimensional spectra of p-α coincidences from the four-body 3Н(α, рα)nn reaction (Eα = 27.2 MeV and Eα = 67.2 MeV) was observed the second excited state of 6He at energy excitation near 3 MeV.
Keywords: neutron enriched nuclei, inclusive proton spectrum, statistical decay, four-body nuclear reaction, unbound excited level, three-body resonance.
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